Monday 22 February 2016

Exam Survival Guide

Exams are coming! Urgh.

Highlighters, revision guides, timetables, coursework, test papers, sticky notes, flash cards and candidate tags are going to be your worst enemy throughout the next couple of months so I decided to put together a couple of tips, tricks and advice to help you make it through till schools out for summer. 

When I was at school doing my exams, stress was an understatement however sleepless nights and migraines were my new best friends. It can be stressful and worrying when you come to the realisation that you need to prepare for tests and coursework deadlines. But forget all that, I am here to put that smile back on your face and help you out.

1. Splash out on cute Stationary

Get yourself some cute notebooks, diaries and planners to organise your exams and revision time. Planning your revision in between other activities and breaks can help put everything into perspective.
TIP: Use brightly coloured pens, paper and highlighters to categorise subjects and topics.

2. Prioritise Snacks & Beverages

I know the feeling of craving fatty and sugary food, but DON'T give into temptation! Combine something sweet with some brain food. Bananas are a great snack or breakfast component to provide the energy you need from the first bell to the last; try being more creative with your meals and making this an important part of the day during this time.
TIP: Avoid caffeine, even if you need those extra hours before bed, it'll only make it worse.

3. Water, Water, Water

If you don't have a bottle of water on you then you need to find a water source ASAP. Ensuring you're hydrating yourself whenever you can is important for the skin and mind. Computer work and revision can cause huge strain and leads to migraines, keep up with the water and take regular breaks away from all things educational.
TIP: When the warmer weather finally arrives, freeze a bottle of water so it stays cold and refreshing all day.

4. Chuck on your Running Shoes

 Although exercise can be tiring and for most of us, a pain in the arse (literally) it really does help with relieving stress and giving you some loving energy. Head to the gym, take a stroll round your local park, take a friend swimming...regular exercise during exams can boost your mood and provides that little spring in your step when you most need it.
TIP: Update your workout wardrobe by buying a new sports bra to make yourself feel good no matter how much you sweat.

5. Pamper Yourself

Have yourself some pamper time, it's not all about cramming information into one space at one time. Gather together some pampering products and give your skin a break. If you want to go all out, head down to lush and pick yourself your favourite bath bomb.
TIP: Have a warm bath at night and a cool shower in the morning to wake those tired eyes up!

6. Get rid of Distractions

Turning off your phone will help massively when it comes to exams because it will be the number one thing to take your attention away from your revision. I have learnt from experience so turn off the telly, turn off your phone and don't tweet a thing till you have completed that revision period.
TIP: If you can resist the temptation then create a long play list full of your favourite music, plug in those headphones and work, work, work!

So those are my top tips and advice from one girl to another on surviving the toughest months of school. There is no need to freak out and get anxious at the thought of unfolding your exam timetable, follow my tips and Summer will arrive along with those A's.

What do you study?


  1. great tips! I'm going through an exam session right now haha ):

    Life in Pastel
