Friday, 15 January 2016

Blog Makeover

Do you ever just want to make a fresh start? 

Since I haven't had my blog for a very long time, I wanted to play around with different themes, layouts etc. When it came to making my blog a couple of months ago I didn't have very high expectations for what I was capable to make it look like. I knew I wouldn't be able to make the perfect looking blog that I had in mind but that didn't mean I wasn't able to experiment until I was happy. Anyone else feel the same? You know when you see someone else's blog and think 'damn, why can't mine be as popular as that?' or 'If only I could get mine to look as professional as that' I tell you now girl, I feel this a lot of the time so don't you worry.
I mean, I don't think I will ever be happy unless I actually sit down with a famous web designer and demand him to do this, this, this and this. But even then, I will probably still be picking out things that I don't like but nothings ever perfect in this day in age. (I am pretty sure that's the saying)

Another thing that I really want to do is communicate more with my readers, comment, email, tweet me, in any way that you can, let me know of your existence, we are all friends here after all. I think it is just one of those days today that I woke up and thought to myself  'how can I motivate myself to reach my goals' I don't think I am the only one but being a new year en all, I feel like I need to make an effort and do what I love a whole lot more, you get one chance so make it happen. There needs to be a lot more awareness about being motivational and productive so I think it's important to share with you what I do to help me think 'yes I can finally make things happen' there is no better time and day then the present to do what you love! (Hence the quote above, which I may also point out is one of my favourite quotes ever) Who's to tell you 'you can't do that' and 'that's not going to get you anywhere' as long as you believe in yourself then no one's opinion is relevant.

Anyway, it's Friday! If you haven't been in the best of moods so far today just remember it's Friday and you have a weekend ahead of you to make whatever you want of it.

Let me know what posts you want to see and I'll be sure to take them into consideration.

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