Sunday, 13 December 2015

Sleepy Sundays

What a cosy Sunday it has been, wouldn't you agree?

So today has been similar to a duvet day but I used this time to relax, unload my mind from the stress of the past week so I thought to have a good old hearty conversation in today's post (technically it's not a conversation because I will only be talking to myself but I'm sure if you leave a comment then we could get the ball rolling.)

Whether you've had a Sunday lunch, some meaty munch or an evening out, I feel like Sunday is a day when things should be put to bed and you can then go on to plan a fresh week ahead. There's nothing more exciting then knowing the week ahead is going to be a productive one, especially round this time of the year with all the festivity shenanigans about. As you can see from the thumbnail of this post, Bubba is an adorable chihuahua who has been keeping me company whilst I have been keeping up to date with the latest news on social media. I love to light a candle, watch some youtube (because everyone loves a lil youtube these days) and scroll through different blogs and articles. 

In December especially, I feel like the weather on a Sunday just stays the same, I don't remember the last time the sun was out on a Sunday, I mean, unless you live abroad or something! 

I just stopped for a good 30 minutes because food arrived and it was the best takeaway feast ever!
P.S Detoxing my body tomorrow so thinking positively.

I always like to make sure I get some fresh air or have a refreshing shower to ensure that I'm awake for the day and prepared for lots of laptop work, although I have been suffering from some bad ass migraines, like they weren't on my to-do list so excuse me, leave! Do any of you have any natural remedies or things I could do to prevent them because they suck!?

Today's post has been kinda random but I have been thinking of some future posts and they sound pretty exciting to me so keep updated and be sure to add my blog to your reading list. 

Watch the X Factor final, catch up on some well needed beauty sleep and get ready for the week ahead.

P.S WARNING Christmas is nearing, I repeat Christmas is nearing Ahhhh!

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